4th UHMWPE Logo

4th Annual UHMWPE Conference

International experts from Europe, the United States, and Asia converged on Torino for two days of scientific discourse on UHMWPE on September 16-17, 2009. Topics covered at the meeting included in vivo oxidation of UHMWPE; stabilization of UHMWPE with Vitamin E and other antioxidants; crosslinking; mechanical behavior; and wear debris. Transactions of the meeting, consisting of 38 two-page abstracts for the free papers and posters, are now available for download. Presenters at the meeting have been invited to share their presentations and posters via uhmwpe.org, and are made available below individually with the permission of the authors. It was announced that the 5th UHMWPE International Meeting will be organized by Dr. Steve Kurtz in Philadelphia, USA, in September 2011.

Download the final program here.

Click here to view conference presentations.