Publications List

  1. C. Chun, T. Biswas & V. Bhandawat. 2021 “Drosophila uses a tripod gait across all walking speeds, and the geometry of the tripod is important for speed control”. eLife 10, e65878.
    Link: doi: 10.7554/eLife.65878
  2. L. Tao, S. Ozarkar & V. Bhandawat. 2020 “Mechanisms underlying attraction to odors in walking Drosophila”. PLoS Comput. Biol 16(3): e1007718.
    Link: doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007718
  3. G. Antoniak, T. Biswas, N. Cortes, S. Sikdar, C. Chun, V. Bhandawat. 2019 “Spring-loaded inverted pendulum goes through two contraction-extension cycles during the single stance phase of walking”. Biology Open 8: bio043695.
    Link: doi: 10.1242/bio.043695
  4. L.Tao, S. Ozarkar, J. Beck & V. Bhandawat. 2019 “Statistical structure of locomotion and its modulation by odors”. eLife 8:e41235
    Link: doi: 10.7554/eLife.41235
  5. C. Chun, T. Biswas & V. Bhandawat. 2018 “Kinematic and biomechanical analyses in Drosophila suggests that most legged locomotion in insects can be understood within a single framework.” (bioRxiv 455246)
    Link: doi: 10.1101/455246
  6. T. Biswas, S. Rao & V. Bhandawat. 2018 “A simple extension of inverted pendulum template to explain features of slow walking.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 457, 112-123.
    Link: doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.08.027
  7. C. Hsu & V. Bhandawat. 2016 “Organization of descending neurons in Drosophila.” 2016. Scientific Reports 6: 20259,
    Link: doi: 10.1038/srep20259
  8. S.H. Jung, C. Hueston, V. Bhandawat. 2015. “Odor-identity dependent motor programs underlie behavioral responses to odors.” eLife 4: e11092,.
    Link: doi: 10.7554/eLife.11092
  9. K. Tschida & V. Bhandawat. 2015. “Activity in descending dopaminergic neurons represents but is not required for leg movements in the fruit fly Drosophila.” Physiological Reports 2015 3 (3), Article number: 12322. doi:10.14814/phy2.12322.
    Link: doi: 10.14814/phy2.12322
  10. V. Bhandawat, G. Maimon, M.H. Dickinson & R.I. Wilson. 2010. “Olfactory modulation of flight in Drosophila is sensitive, selective and rapid.” Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 3625-3635.
  11. S.R. Olsen*, V. Bhandawat* & R.I. Wilson. 2010 “Divisive normalization in olfactory population codes.” Neuron 66(2):287-99.
  12. V. Bhandawat, J. Reisert & K.-W. Yau. 2010. “Signaling by olfactory receptor neuron near threshold.” PNAS 2010 107(43): 18682-18687.
  13. J.H Singer, E. Glowatzki , T. Moser , B.W. Strowbridge , V. Bhandawat , A.P. Sampath. 2009. “Functional Properties of Synaptic Transmission in Primary Sense Organs.” Journal of Neuroscience 29: 12802-12806.
  14. V. Bhandawat, S.R. Olsen, M.L. Schlief, N. Gouwens & R.I. Wilson. 2007. “Sensory processing in the Drosophila antennal lobe increases separation between ensemble odor representations.” Nature Neuroscience 10:1474-82.
  15. S.R. Olsen*, V. Bhandawat* & R.I. Wilson. 2007. “Excitatory interactions between olfactory processing channels in the Drosophila antennal lobe.” Neuron 54:89-103.
  16. V. Bhandawat, J. Reisert, K.-W Yau. 2005. “Elementary response of an olfactory receptor neuron to odorants.” Science 2005, 308, 1931-1934.